Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello, friend.  I've missed you.  

Rick's parents and nephews left early this morning.  The house seems so quiet.  It was an interesting visit.  We only spent a couple days with them.  The rest of the time they were out and about town.  The boys had a great time, though.  I loved hearing them laugh and play together.  Even though their cousins were twice their age they seemed like great friends.  Both Aidan and Oliver really latched onto Jacob and would argue over who got to sit next to him at dinner.  And Tyler was so good with Sophie.  They were such fun to watch.  And Grandad got Sophie to start waving.  Now she waves all the time.  Aidan got choked up after he said goodbye them.  I'm grateful they got to know their cousins and grandparents a little better.

I'm also grateful I got my computer back.


Kimberly said...

"Hello, friend. I've missed you." That's so great! Cool picture, too.

Arlene said...

Funny. You should send it to Mac. I'm glad you all had a good visit.