Friday, November 14, 2008


After playing outside this afternoon we came in and I noticed Oliver's ear was all swollen and red.  If this had been the first time, I would have been alarmed.  But, alas, this was the third time he's been bitten on the ear by a mosquito and it swelled up.  Now it just makes me chuckle.  I'm grateful his ear looked normal again after a few hours.


Kimberly said...

He must have yummy ears.

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

Oh, my! I hope he doesn't become more sensitive to them with each bite.

AZ Hey-mon said...

Poor guy. do you have mosquitos all year bing by the coast?

Clammy said...

It must run in the family.... Ashlyn has had her eye swollen shut a few times from mosquito bites.

Arlene said...

And yet, so stinking handsome!