Monday, September 28, 2009

271: What you don't want to hear in the Dr's waiting room

There's a kind of stigma when you have to sit with your child in the "Sick" waiting area. When you walk in there's a big sign saying to "cover your cough" right next to a box of face masks and a bulk-sized bottle of hand sanitizer. And everyone sits as far away from each other as possible. I just sit there and think, "I should have just kept them home. They'll probably pick up something worse here. Don't play with the toys! How long do we have to wait?" And the nurse comes out in a face mask and gloves and calls two kids back. And you wait. And you hear the nurse say very loudly, "No, honey! You've got to keep the mask on. Honey, I've got to lock you in here for a minute because you're very contagious right now." Then she comes out and asks the receptionist if the kids had been playing with anything in the waiting room. Yikes. This is when everyone goes over and gets a face mask for themselves and pumps a cup of sanitizer in their hands. And I'm thinking, "Oh, my gosh! I've got to get out of here!" Then we're called back. Luckily to the opposite side of the building. Away from all those contagions. Then the Dr. comes in our room, asks me what's going on, takes one look at my kid and says, "Awww. She got the crud." The crud?! Then the Dr. tells me, "She's very contagious." And I'm just grateful that no one else could hear her say that. I know what they'd be thinking...


Arlene said...

I've never seen a "sick" waiting room. That's a good idea, although a little traumatizing, too! Hope she's feeling better. I wish they made cute masks...

Kimberly said...

I've never seen a "sick" waiting room, either. And what's the Crud?

Unknown said...

In this case the crud was hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Very yucky. And cruddy.

Clammy said...

Oh no! Ashlyn had the hand-foot-mouth disease and it was so painful for her! Hope Sophie gets over it quickly!

It would scare me to go in that dr's office where everyone was wearing masks and the flu really bad in your area right now?

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

We have sick rooms here at the pediatrician's office. Just never took you to the doctors when you were sick, just called and had them call something in it was usually not something contagious.