Thursday, July 30, 2009

211: Try not to giggle

This sits out front of the library and for the longest time Aidan never said anything about it. Then one day he mentioned something about the bus stop where you sit down (there are benches right by it, so that's where you stop your butt). Then I started giggling and explained its true purpose. Well, ever since then whenever we walk by Aidan says, "Mom's trying not to laugh at the butt stop!" Of course that makes me giggle. There are usually people sitting on the benches. Seeing me giggle at the Butt Stop. Hee hee. I'm grateful my kids can make me laugh.


Kimberly said...

That's funny!

Clammy said...

lol!! That is funny! At first I thought that someone had changed the SS to TT until I looked a little better at it!

Arlene said...

So cute. Glad you have a memory of it!

AZ Hey-mon said...

That is hilarious!

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

Someone has a weird sense of humor!