Saturday, March 5, 2011

064: FLUbbed


That's right. He's certified. Flu. And, because I know you're wondering, me and the kids all got immunized about a month ago. Except for Aidan. Because of his social calendar I never got him in. I was meaning to. Really I was. I was planning to call and make an appointment this week. That's the problem. If I could just take him in when I had time (instead of having to make an appointment) it would have gotten done. They harass you when take them out of school for appointments. So, call CPS on me. Whatever. I got to spend a delightful Saturday afternoon in Urgent Care.


Carolyn (Dragon) said...

Sorry to hear that Aiden has the flu is that what he had to wear in the waiting room?

Clammy said...

Bummer. No fun at all.

Hope he gets feeling well fast.

Cherie said...

Hope he feels better soon!

Unknown said...

@Carolyn, yes this is in the waiting room.

Kimberly said...

Aw, poor Aidan. I hope he feels better soon.

Arlene said...

$%^!&*(! flu and flu shots and doctors offices! >:(

Arlene said...

Oh and add harassing school secretaries to that list! Sheesh!